



1.1 Acceptance of Terms

The products or services that OSP International LLC (“OSP”, “we”, “us”, “our”) provides to you(“you”, “customer”, “student”, “he”, “she”, “subscriber”) are subject to the following Terms andConditions. OSP reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions at any time withoutnotice to you. The most current version of the Terms and Conditions can be reviewed by clickingon the "Terms and Conditions" hypertext link located at the bottom of our web pages. By usingOSP products you agree to always be bound by the latest published Terms and Conditions in

their entirety. By purchasing any OSP product you confirm that you have read, understood, andthat you agree to the Terms and Conditions stated herein.


1.2 Personal and Non-Commercial Use Limitation

Unless otherwise specified, all OSP products or services provided are for your personal and non-commercial use. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce,publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software,products or services obtained from OSP. This includes any material or information, includingimages or photographs, which are made available in our products in any manner that infringesany copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other proprietary right of any party.

In particular, students may not

(1) share their username and/or password with other persons

(2) change their username and/or password in order to transfer the account to other persons

(3) offer their products for free or for sale to other persons


1.3 No Unlawful or Prohibited Use

As a condition of use of any OSP products, you agree to not use the products for any purposethat is unlawful or prohibited by these terms, conditions, or by any applicable laws orregulations. You may not use the products in any manner that could damage, disable,overburden, or impair any OSP server, or the network(s) connected to any OSP server, orinterfere with any other party's use and enjoyment of any product or service provided. You maynot attempt to gain unauthorized access to any product or service, other accounts, computersystems or networks connected to any OSP server either through hacking, password mining, orany other means. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information throughany means not intentionally specified in the access provisions of this agreement.


1.4 Access to Products

You agree to access OSP products by only the means OSP provides. Access methods will differbased on product and may be specified for each product listed in this agreement. For any productwhere OSP provides you an account, you must follow the process specified by OSP in thepurchase confirmation email to access the product(s) purchased. You may be required to provideinformation to access products and you agree that any information provided will always beaccurate, correct, and up to date. You will receive a username and a temporary password, whichyou may change. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of yourpassword and account. Furthermore, you are entirely responsible for any and all activities thatoccur under your account. You agree to notify OSP immediately of any unauthorized use of youraccount or any other breach of security. OSP will not be liable for any loss that you may incur as


a result of someone else using your password or account, either with or without your knowledge.However, you could be held liable for losses incurred by OSP or another party due to someoneelse using your account or password. You may not use anyone else's account at any time orfurnish to other persons’usernames, passwords, or any URL that you are provided to access anOSP product. OSP may deactivate your account or limit access to products in case of productmisuse.


1.5 Single User License

All products you purchase from OSP are intended for a single user (single user license). They areintended for you alone. You may access the product on multiple devices and from multiplelocations for your personal use. For products that can be downloaded, you may download theproduct several times for your personal use and make backup copies of downloaded files.

You may not:

(1) Share usernames and/or passwords with other parties

(2) Share download information / download links with other parties

(3) Make OSP products available to other parties

(4) Upload OSP products to file-sharing networks or any websites


1.6 Links to Third Party Sites

Links provided in any OSP websites or products that allow you to leave OSP products orwebsites are not under the control of OSP and OSP is not responsible for the contents, or anylinked site, or any link contained in a linked site, or changes or updates to those sites. OSPprovides these links as a convenience and the inclusion of any non-OSP link does not implyendorsement by OSP of the site.


1.7 Limitation of Liability

The customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless OSP, its affiliates, employees, contractorsand other business associates from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs, includingreasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from any violation of this agreement or the failure to fulfillany obligations relating to the customer’saccount incurred by himself/herself or any other

person using his/her account. OSP reserves the right to take over the exclusive defense of anyclaim for which the company is entitled to indemnification under this agreement. In such event,the customer shall provide OSP with such cooperation as is reasonably requested by thecompany. The customer of OSP products expressly understands and agrees that any claimagainst OSP shall be limited to the amount paid, if any, for use of products and/or services. OSPwill not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary loss or damages

which may be incurred as a result of using OSP resources, or as a result of any changes, data lossor corruption, cancellation, loss of access, or downtime to the full extent that applicable

limitation of liability laws apply.


1.8 Limitation of Warranties

By using OSP’s websites, you understand and agree that all resources OSP provides are "as is"

and "as available". This means that OSP does not represent or warrant to you that:(1) The use of OSP resources will meet your needs or requirements.

(2) The use of OSP resources will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or free from errors.

(3) Information or advice, whether expressed, implied, oral or written, obtained from OSP orthrough any resources OSP provides shall create any warranty, guarantee, or conditions of anykind, except for those expressly outlined in this agreement.


Any content downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of OSP resources is done at yourown discretion and risk, and that you alone are solely responsible for any damage to yourcomputer or other devices for any loss of data that may result from the download of such content.


1.9 General Refund Policy

OSP offers a 90-day money back guarantee on its products, except for The PM Exam Simulatorwhere OSP offers a conditional 15-day money back guarantee and The PM StudyCoach whereOSP offers a 30-day money back guarantee, and PMP Exam Virtual, Live Coaching where OSPoffers refunds depending on the time of cancellation. If you are not satisfied with a purchasedproduct then you may send an email to OSP support during this period and request a refund.Refunds are processed within 5 business days. OSP will cancel your product access upon receiptof your refund request.

You agree to immediately delete all downloaded copies and backup copies of the product forwhich you requested / received a refund.

Any of the following constitutes at minimum a violation of the PMI Code of Ethics andProfessional Conduct and will result in an ethics complaint to PMI by OSP against you:(1) Continued use of the product after requesting and/or receiving a refund

(2) Claiming Contact Hours for the product after requesting and/or receiving a refund

(3) Claiming Professional Development Units (PDUs) for the product after requesting and/orreceiving a refund

OSP will attempt to refund your money in the same way that you paid OSP. This is done simplyby reversing your original payment. However, as a general rule, credit card companies onlyallow a refund in this way for up to 90 days and PayPal only allows 60 days. If a refund is to beprocessed after 60/90 days, then OSP will work with you to send a check, money order or findanother way to process the refund.

Some OSP products have specific refund conditions, which are described in section “2 ProductSpecific Terms and Conditions”. You must meet these conditions as well in order for a refundrequest to be honored by OSP.


1.10 Discount Coupon Policy

OSP regularly offers discount coupons for its products. These coupons are published in OSPnewsletters and via various social media channels. OSP applies the following policy in regard toaccepting discount coupons:

(1) Discount coupons are only valid for new purchases and the coupon code must be entered intothe Gift Certificate box at the time of purchase in order to obtain the discount.

(2) Each discount coupon has a clearly published start date and expiration date:

(2.1) The discount cannot be applied to purchases that happened before the coupon start date.(2.2) The discount cannot be applied to purchases that happened on/after the coupon expirationdate.

(3) Customers who purchase a product for which a discount coupon is active on the day of thepurchase have three (3) calendar days to write to support and ask to receive the discount.

(3.1) The discount will not be granted if the customer writes to OSP later than three (3) calendardays after the purchase.

(3.2) Exception: “Holiday” discount coupons –for example for“Black Friday” –are only validon a specific day of the year and cannot be applied after that date.

OSP applies this policy to all purchases without exception.


1.11 Customer Communication

OSP proactively communicates important information about its products to you via customernewsletters and OSP websites. Such information includes but is not limited to (1) discountcoupons, (2) product expiration notices, or (3) upgrade offers.

You agree that OSP makes reasonable efforts to communicate such information to you throughthese channels, and that OSP is not responsible if you do not receive and/or understand suchinformation due to but not limited to (1) technical failure, (2) your request to be removed frommailing lists, (3) your failure to visit OSP websites to read notices, (4) your ignoring / notreading emails received from OSP, or (4) OSP emails marked as spam in your email inbox.

In particular, you agree that

(1) Claiming not to know about a specific offer after it has expired does not constitute your rightto receive such an offer after it has expired.

(2) You do not have the right to receive a free or discounted product upgrade if you miss thepublished deadline no matter what the circumstances.


1.12 Privacy Notice

Please seehttp://www.osp-international.com/privacynoticefor our Privacy Notice.


1.13 Guarantees

OSP does not make claims or assurances that the use of its products will guarantee that you willpass any credential or certification exam.

OSP does not make claims or assurances that the Project Management Institute (PMI) willapprove your claim to use OSP products for Contact Hours or Professional Development Units(PDUs).


1.14 Copyrights/Trademarks

All content and materials available as part of OSP products and on OSP websites, including butnot limited to text, graphics, product name, website name, code, images and logos are theintellectual property of OSP, and are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law. Anyinappropriate use, as specified in this agreement including but not limited to the reproduction,distribution, display or transmission of any content on this site is strictly prohibited, unlessspecifically authorized by OSP.




2.1For Product: The Project Management PrepCast™ (The PM PrepCast™)


2.1.1 General Terms and Conditions Apply to The PM PrepCast

All terms and conditions stated in section “1 General Terms and Conditions” also apply to The

PM PrepCast without exception.


2.1.2 Intent of Purchase

By purchasing The PM PrepCast, you show your intent to prepare for and pass the currentversion of the Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam for which The PM PrepCast hasbeen developed. You understand that the Project Management Institute (PMI) updates the PMPexam on a regular, 4-year interval and that the current version of The PM PrepCast will becomeimmediately obsolete at the time of such a PMI exam update. It is your responsibility to schedulethe product purchase in such a way that you have enough time to use the product for adequateexam preparation, which is three (3) to six (6) months.


Failure to purchase and use the product in this way and / or failure to pass the PMP exam beforea PMI exam update does not constitute the right to a free or discounted upgrade to a new versionof The PM PrepCast.


2.1.3 Product Access

OSP provides access to The PM PrepCast through the OSP Member Gateway and for downloadthrough RSS technology as explained in the purchase confirmation email and tutorials.


2.1.4 Product License and Expiration of Product License

Purchase of The PM PrepCast does not constitute a perpetual license to the product.

Purchase of The PM PrepCast grants you the license to access and download the current versionof The PM PrepCast. This license expires under the following conditions:

(1) When a new version of The PM PrepCast is published by OSP.(2) When PMI implements a PMP exam update.

(3) When you request a refund.

(4) When you pass the PMI exam for which The PM PrepCast was used.(5) When OSP deactivates your account for product misuse.


2.1.5 No Access to Previous Versions

OSP is a PMI Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.) and as such OSP is required by PMI toensure that its PMP exam preparation training materials are based on the current version of boththe PMP Examination Content Outline as well as the current version of thePMBOK® Guide. Inaccordance with this PMI requirement, OSP deactivates all customer accounts that access suchprevious versions. OSP also physically deletes all electronic files of previous versions from itsservers.

You understand and agree that OSP must do this. You furthermore understand and agree thatOSP must decline any and all customer requests to access and download previous productversions no matter the customer’s circumstances. In particular, you understand and agree thatyou do not have the right to access and download previous versions of the product after a newversion has been published no matter your individual circumstances. You agree not to requestthat your access to previous versions be restored.


2.1.6 Upgrade to Current Version of the Product

Purchase of The PM PrepCast does not constitute a perpetual license to the product.Consequentially, customers of a previous version of The PM PrepCast do not have the right toreceive a free or discounted upgrade to the current version of The PM PrepCast.

At the time when PMI upgrades the PMP exam to a new version, OSP generally offers thefollowing upgrade options to customers.

(1) Customers who purchased the PM PrepCast up to 90 days prior to the release of a newversion generally receive a free upgrade of the new version.

(2) Customers who purchased the PM PrepCast between 91 - 180 days prior to the release of anew version generally receive instructions on how to purchase the new version at a discount.(3) Customers who purchased the PM PrepCast 181 or more days prior to the release of a newversion do not receive any type of upgrade and must pay full price for the new version.

Upgrade options are at the sole discretion of OSP and are published on The PM PrepCast website

at the time of a PMI exam upgrade. You are informed of these options as outlined in “1.11

Customer Communication”.


2.1.7 Product-Specific Conditions to Refund Policy

In addition to “1.9 General Refund Policy” the following product-specific conditions apply toany refund request for The PM PrepCast:

You agree that you waive any right for a refund of The PM PrepCast if any or all of thefollowing conditions apply to you:

(1) Starting and/or finishing The PM PrepCast Final Exam, no matter if the Final Exam was

passed” or “failed”.

(2) Printing The PM PrepCast Certificate for 35 Contact Hours / PDUs.

(3) Claiming or intent to claim any Contact Hours from The PM PrepCast on a PMI examapplication form.

(4) Claiming or intent to claim any Professional Development Units (PDUs) from The PMPrepCast for PMI certification recertification.




2.2For Product: The Agile PrepCast™


2.2.1 General Terms and Conditions Apply to The Agile PrepCast

All terms and conditions stated in section “1 General Terms and Conditions” also apply to The

Agile PrepCast without exception.


2.2.2 Intent of Purchase

By purchasing The Agile PrepCast you show your intent to prepare for and pass the currentversion of the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® Exam for which The AgilePrepCast has been developed. You understand that the Project Management Institute (PMI)updates the PMI-ACP exam on a regular interval and that the current version of The AgilePrepCast will become immediately obsolete at the time of such a PMI exam update. It is yourresponsibility to schedule the product purchase in such a way that you have enough time to usethe product for adequate exam preparation, which is three (3) to six (6) months.

Failure to purchase and use the product in this way and / or failure to pass the PMI-ACP exambefore a PMI exam update does not constitute the right to a free or discounted upgrade to a newversion of The Agile PrepCast.


2.2.3 Product Access

OSP provides access to The Agile PrepCast through the OSP Member Gateway and for

download through RSS technology as explained in the purchase confirmation email and tutorials.


2.2.4 Product License and Expiration of Product License

Purchase of The Agile PrepCast does not constitute a perpetual license to the product.Purchase of The Agile PrepCast grants you the license to access and download the currentversion of The Agile PrepCast. This license expires under the following conditions:

(1) When a new version of The Agile PrepCast is published by OSP.(2) When PMI implements a PMI-ACP exam update.

(3) When you request a refund.

(4) When you pass the PMI exam for which The Agile PrepCast was used.(5) When OSP deactivates your account for product misuse.


2.2.5 No Access to Previous Versions

OSP is a PMI Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.) and as such OSP is required by PMI toensure that its PMI-ACP exam preparation training materials are based on the current version ofthe PMI-ACP Examination Content Outline. In accordance with this PMI requirement, OSPdeactivates all customer accounts that access such previous versions. OSP also physically deletesall electronic files of previous versions from its servers.

You understand and agree that OSP must do this. You furthermore understand and agree thatOSP must decline any and all customer requests to access and download previous productversions no matter the customer’s circumstances. In particular, you understand and agree thatyou do not have the right to access and download previous versions of the product after a newversion has been published no matter your individual circumstances. You agree not to requestthat your access to previous versions be restored.


2.2.6 Upgrade to Current Version of the Product

Purchase of The Agile PrepCast does not constitute a perpetual license to the product.Consequentially, customers of a previous version of The Agile PrepCast do not have the right toreceive a free or discounted upgrade to the current version of The Agile PrepCast.

At the time when PMI upgrades the PMI-ACP exam to a new version, OSP generally offers thefollowing upgrade options to customers.

(1) Customers who purchased The Agile PrepCast up to 90 days prior to the release of a newversion generally receive a free upgrade of the new version.

(2) Customers who purchased The Agile PrepCast between 91 - 180 days prior to the release of anew version generally receive instructions on how to purchase the new version at a discount.

(3) Customers who purchased The Agile PrepCast 181 or more days prior to the release of a newversion do not receive any type of upgrade and must pay full price for the new version.

Upgrade options are at the sole discretion of OSP and are published on The Agile PrepCastwebsite at the time of a PMI exam upgrade. Customers are informed of these options as outlinedin “1.11 Customer Communication”.


2.2.7 Product-Specific Conditions to Refund Policy

In addition to “1.9 General Refund Policy” the following product-specific conditions apply toany refund request for The Agile PrepCast:

You agree that you waive any right for a refund of The Agile PrepCast if any or all of thefollowing conditions apply to you:

(1) Starting and/or finishing The Agile PrepCast Final Exam, no matter if the Final Exam was

passed” or “failed”.

(2) Printing The Agile PrepCast Certificate for 37 Contact Hours / PDUs.

(3) Claiming or intent to claim any Contact Hours from The Agile PrepCast on a PMI examapplication form.

(4) Claiming or intent to claim any Professional Development Units (PDUs) from The Agile

PrepCast for PMI certification recertification.


2.3For Product: The PM Exam Simulator™


2.3.1 General Terms and Conditions Apply to The PM Exam Simulator

All terms and conditions stated in section “1 General Terms and Conditions” also apply to The

PM Exam Simulator without exception.


2.3.2 Product Access

Access to The PM Exam Simulator is granted on a time-limited basis. The initial access period(i.e., initial 90-day access) begins from the day when you start the first exam or quiz in thesimulator.

You have one (1) year after the date of purchase to activate the exam subscription. If you do notactivate your exam subscription within one (1) year then the system will automatically activateit, and your access ends 90 days thereafter. Example:


You purchase the exam simulator on 2021-July-14 but do not activate it.

On 2022-Jul-15 your simulator will be automatically activated

Your access ends 90 days thereafter


The system will send you several notifications about the 1-year activation period (i.e.,“You have

6 months left to activate”). You also receive a notification when the simulator automaticallyactivates your account.

Access extensions (i.e., 30-day extension or 60-day extension) begin on the day of extensionpurchase.

You agree that failure to use the simulator during the access period does not give you the right tohave the access period extended at no cost. Once the access period expires you are required topurchase an extension.

You receive a username and password to access The PM Exam Simulator via the website. Youmay not share this username and password with third parties.

The PM Exam Simulator cannot be downloaded. The PM Exam Simulator is intended for use ona desktop or laptop computer. Other devices such as tablets or smart phones are not supported.


2.3.3 No Passing Guarantee

You agree that a passing score in an exam or quiz of The PM Exam Simulator is no guaranteethat you will pass the PMP Exam.


2.3.4 Free 90-Day Extension for Customers who did not Pass the PMP, PMI-ACP, or


Customers of The Premium PM Exam Simulator, who unfortunately didn’t pass the PMP Exam,PMI-ACP Exam, or CAPM exam receive a free 90-day extension to The Premium PM ExamSimulator. To qualify for a free 90-day extension to the PM Exam Simulator, you must meet allof the following criteria and follow the process steps below:

(1) You are a paying customer of The Premium PM Exam Simulator and you made yourpurchase before failing your exam.

(2) You did not ask for a refund on your account.

(3) You used The Premium PM Exam Simulator to prepare for your exam, and then failed yourexam.

(4) You failed your exam a maximum of two (2) times. If you fail the exam for a third (3rd) timethen you will not receive a free 90-day extension. This is because failing the exam three times


means that you have to wait for 12 months until you can retake the exam, at which time you willhave to buy a new license/extension.

You must follow these steps to request a 90-day extension to the PM Exam Simulator:

(1) Send a request email tosupport@pm-exam-simulator.comwithin 45 days of the failed examattempt. Requests received greater than 45 days after a failed attempt will not be honored.

(2) Attach a scanned version of your PMP Exam Score Report to the request email. If you do nothave a scanner then you can take a picture with your camera/phone and attach the image.

(3) In the email, please tell us the first name, last name, and email address from your simulatoraccount.

OSP will review your request, verify that you meet all the criteria and inform you of thedecision. OSP will only extend your access if you meet all the criteria and followed the processsteps. The free 90-day extension is effective immediately from the time your request is approved.


2.3.5 Product-Specific Conditions to Refund Policy

In addition to “1.9 General Refund Policy” the following product-specific conditions apply toany refund request for The PM Exam Simulator:

OSP offers a 15-day money-back guarantee for The PM Exam Simulator.

You agree that you waive any right for a refund of The PM Exam Simulator if any or all of thefollowing conditions apply to you:

For The PMP Exam Simulator:

(1) Starting and/or finishing any two (2) or more exams, or the same exam two (2)or more times. For example, taking the same exam twice would waive your rightfor a refund.

(2) Starting and/or finishing three (3) or more quizzes, or the same quiz three (3)or more times. For example, taking the same quiz three (3) times would waiveyour right for a refund.

For The CAPM Exam Simulator:

(1) Starting and/or finishing one (1) or more exams

(2) Starting and/or finishing two (2) or more quizzes, or the same quiz two (2) ormore times. For example, taking the same quiz twice would waive your right for arefund.

For The PMI-ACP Exam Simulator:

(1) Starting and/or finishing one (1) or more exams

(2) Starting and/or finishing two (2) or more quizzes, or the same quiz two (2) ormore times. For example, taking the same quiz twice would waive your right for arefund.


2.3.6 Requests to Delete Simulator Reports

Each exam and/or quiz taken in the PM Exam Simulator affects the student’s statistics page.Therefore, and as a general rule, OSP does not delete past reports no matter what reasons astudent indicates.


2.3.7Live Feedback™ Usage by Students

The Live Feedback™ feature of the PM Exam Simulator is a complimentary, free of charge

service that allows students to send an email inquiry about a simulator question to OSP.

Live Feedback™ is designed to give the student an easy way to address thecorrectness of theanswer, explanation, or reference of sample questions in the exam simulator.


Live Feedback™ is not intended for the student to request general clarifications, additional

information, coaching or training.

Students understand and agree to use Live Feedback™ intelligently, reasonably, and only when

absolutely necessary.

OSP Live Feedback™ agents, at their sole discretion, may opt not to respond to student




2.4For Product: The PM StudyCoach™


2.4.1 General Terms and Conditions Apply to The PM StudyCoach

All terms and conditions stated in section “1 General Terms and Conditions” also apply to The

PM StudyCoach without exception.

All terms and conditions in section 2.4 apply to both The PM StudyCoach™ as well as The PMStudyCoach™ Guidebooks, except where specifically mentioned


2.4.2 Property and Copyright of Materials

All materials provided as part of The PM StudyCoach are either the exclusive property of OSP orare being used with the express permission of the original authors or owners of this material.

You may not reproduce, distribute, or otherwise share any materials from The PM StudyCoachwithout the express consent of OSP and/or the original authors or owners of such materials. Thematerials provided are subject to all the terms and conditions of this agreement.


2.4.3 Product-Specific Conditions to Refund Policy

In addition to “1.9 General Refund Policy” the following product-specific conditions apply toany refund request for The PM StudyCoach:

OSP offers a 30-day money-back guarantee for The PM StudyCoach.

OSP offers a 90-day money-back guarantee for The PM StudyCoach Guidebooks.


2.4.4 Intent of Purchase

By purchasing The PM StudyCoach, you show your intent to prepare for and pass the currentversion of the Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam for which The PM StudyCoachproduct has been developed. You understand that the Project Management Institute (PMI)updates the PMP exam on a regular, 4-year interval and that the current version of The PMStudyCoach will become immediately obsolete at the time of such a PMI exam update. It is yourresponsibility to schedule the product purchase in such a way that you have enough time to usethe product for adequate exam preparation, which is three (3) to six (6) months. Failure topurchase and use the product in this way and / or failure to pass the PMP exam before a PMIexam update does not constitute the right to a free or discounted upgrade to a new version of ThePM StudyCoach.


2.4.5 Product License and Expiration of Product License

Purchase of The PM StudyCoach does not constitute a perpetual license to the product. Purchaseof The PM StudyCoach grants you the license to access and download the current version of ThePM StudyCoach only. This license expires under the following conditions:

(1) When a new version of The PM StudyCoach is published by OSP.(2) When PMI implements a PMP exam update.

(3) When you pass the PMI exam for which The PM StudyCoach product was used.


2.4.6 No Access to Previous Versions

OSP is a PMI Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.) and as such OSP is required by PMI toensure that its PMP exam preparation training materials are based on the current version of boththe PMP Examination Content Outline as well as the current version of the PMBOK® Guide. Inaccordance with this PMI requirement, OSP deactivates all customer accounts that access suchprevious versions. OSP also physically deletes all electronic files of previous versions from itsservers. You understand and agree that OSP must do this. You, furthermore, understand andagree that OSP must decline any and all customer requests to access and download previous

product versions no matter the customer’s circumstances. In particular, you understand and agreethat you do not have the right to access and download previous versions of the product after anew version has been published no matter your individual circumstances.


2.4.7 Upgrade to Current Version of the Product

Purchase of The PM StudyCoach does not constitute a perpetual license to the product.Customers of a previous version of The PM StudyCoach do not have the right to receive a free ordiscounted upgrade to the current version of The PM StudyCoach.

The PM StudyCoach has been created to complement The PM PrepCast and the PM ExamSimulator. At their discretion, OSP may offer an upgrade option at the time PMI upgrades thePMP exam to a new version, OSP generally offers the following upgrade options to customers inline with upgrade options provided for The PM Prepcast.

(1) Customers who purchased The PM StudyCoach up to 90 days prior to the release of a newversion generally receive a free upgrade of the new version.

(2) Customers who purchased The PM StudyCoach between 91 - 180 days prior to the release ofa new version generally receive instructions on how to purchase the new version at a discount.(3) Customers who purchased The PM StudyCoach 181 or more days prior to the release of anew version do not receive any type of upgrade and must pay full price for the new version.

Upgrade options are at the sole discretion of OSP and are published on The PM PrepCast websiteat the time of a PMI exam upgrade.




2.5For Product: The PMP Exam Formula Study Guide™ (“The PM Formulas™”)


2.5.1 General Terms and Conditions Apply to The PM Formulas

All terms and conditions stated in section “1 General Terms and Conditions” also apply to The

PM Formulas without exception.




2.6For Product: The PDU Podcast™


2.6.1 General Terms and Conditions Apply to The PDU Podcast

All terms and conditions stated in section “1 General Terms and Conditions” also apply to The

PDU Podcast without exception.


2.6.2 Requesting a Refund Leads to Cancellation of Subscription

Asking for a refund means that The PDU Podcast does not meet your needs. You wish toterminate your subscription and have your money returned. You cannot ask for a refund only forspecific webinars.


2.6.3 OSP Processes only Full Refunds

Asking for a refund is “all or nothing”. You can only ask for a full refundof your latestsubscription payment for the PDU Podcast. We do not process partial refunds:

(1) If you are a yearly subscriber, we will refund your full yearly subscription payment.

(2) If you are a monthly subscriber, we will refund all your monthly subscription payments infull.


2.6.4 Account and Access to all Webinars will be Closed

As part of the refund process OSP will deactivate your account. You will no longer be able todownload any PDU Podcast Webinars. This includes webinars from previous subscription

cycles. For example: If you ask for a refund of your subscription for “Year 3”, then you will alsono longer be able to download the webinars from “Year 1” and “Year 2” using your currentaccount. If you need to download these webinars, then please do so before requesting a refund.However, OSP will work with you so that you can download them if you forget.


2.6.5 Claiming PDUs after a Refund is Unethical

You agree not claim any PDUs for any refunded Webinars. Doing so would be unethical and inviolation of The PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. OSP reserves the right tocommunicate refunds to PMI to ensure that everyone follows ethical behavior.

If you wish to still claim PDUs, then don't ask for a refund. Instead, simply cancel yoursubscription when your subscription is due for renewal. If you have a monthly subscriptioncancel before the next month and if you have a yearly subscription cancel before the next yearlycycle begins.




2.7For Product: The PM FlashCards™


2.7.1 General Terms and Conditions Apply to The PM FlashCards

All terms and conditions stated in section “1 General Terms and Conditions” also apply to The

PM FlashCards without exception.




2.8For Product: The PM Podcast™


2.8.1 General Terms and Conditions Apply to The PM Podcast

All terms and conditions stated in section “1 General Terms and Conditions” also apply to The

PM Podcast without exception.


2.9 For Product: The PMI Authorized PMP Exam Prep Course


2.9.1 General Terms and Conditions Apply to The PMI Authorized PMP Exam Prep


All terms and conditions stated in section “1 General Terms and Conditions” also apply to The

PMI Authorized PMP Exam Prep Course without exception.


2.9.2 PMI Policies regarding The PMI Authorized PMP Exam Prep Course

PMI has imposed the following two policies on all PMI authorized courses:

All PMP prep courses are “Guaranteed to run”. This means that the training organizationis not permitted to cancel a class once it is scheduled. Therefore, we require that ourstudents give us at least 8days’ noticeif they need to cancel so that we can refill theirseat.

A second PMI policy states that certificates of attendance may only be issued to thosestudents who attended the complete course. Due to this PMI requirement, we are unable

to issue a refund or certificate to anyone who does not attend the full course.These two PMI policies make it necessary for us to strictly implement the following OSPpolicies around refunds:


2.9.3 Refunds

Per PMI policy, access keys (to obtain the PMI courseware) are non-refundable. Due tothis PMI policy, we are unable to issue a refund for an access key once it has been issuedto you, regardless of whether or not it has been activated.

A full refund (less the cost of the PMI access key, if applicable) will be issued forcancellations 8 days or more prior to the first day of the course.

A 50% refund (less the cost of the PMI access key, if applicable) will be issued forcancellations 1–7 days prior to the first day of the course.

No refunds will be issued for cancellations beginning on the first day of the course.

No refunds and no certificate of attendance will be issued to students who miss more than

1 day (or a total of 8 hours) of the live class.


2.9.4 Repeats

You may repeat a course one time if you fail the PMP exam. Once your request has beensubmitted and approved, OSP will extend your simulator access for an additional 90 days. Torepeat a course, the following conditions apply:

You must have met the attendance requirement, taken all practice exams in the PMPSimulator, and watched the on-demand video PrepCast.

You must provide proof from PMI that you have attempted the exam by providing ascanned version of the PMP Exam Score Report.

You must have taken the PMP exam within 90 days of the live course.

You can retake a course of equal or lesser value. No refunds will be given if the course isof lesser value.

Class re-enrollment must take place within six (6) months of the failed exam attempt.

After six (6) months, you will need to re-register and pay for the course again.


2.9.5 Transfers

We do not impose any penalty for the first transfer to another live course, as long as we arenotified via email before the end of the registration period for the requested course.


For the first transfer, which is free of charge:

If the transfer is to a more expensive class, then the price difference must be paid beforethe class begins.

If the transfer is to a less expensive class, then a refund for the difference will be issuedafter the class has started.


All additional class transfers incur a$150transfer fee.

If the transfer is to a more expensive class, then the transfer fee plus the price differencemust be paid before the class begins.

If the transfer is to a less expensive class, then the transfer fee minus the refund will bedue before the class begins.



2.9.6 Classroom Behavior

Students must respect the instructional setting as a place for civil, courteous discourse.

No profanity or rude, disruptive, abusive, or offensive speech should be allowed in the

classroom at any point or time. Instructors will take appropriate steps to remove a studentfrom class who disrupts the educational process because of discourteous, threatening,harassing, or other aggressive behavior.

Students are expected to arrive for class at the scheduled times, to come prepared for allclass sessions, and to stay for the duration of the session.

Students are expected to follow any established “ground rules” forclass. If a studentrepeatedly violates those established ground rules despite warnings from the instructor,the student may be removed from class.






2.10 For Product: Virtual, Live Coaching Exam Prep Courses

Note that this section does NOT apply for PMI Authorized PMP Exam Prep Courses. This is forall other exam prep only.


2.10.1 General Terms and Conditions Apply to Virtual, Live Exam Prep Courses

All terms and conditions stated in section “1 General Terms and Conditions” also apply to

Virtual, Live Coaching Exam Prep Courses without exception.


2.10.2 Refunds

Due to limited seating, we ask that you cancel at least 8 days before a scheduled course. Thisgives us the opportunity to fill the course. If you cancel 8 days or more before the course starts,we will refund you 100% of your course fees. If you cancel in the week before the course starts,we will refund you 90% of your course fees. If you cancel once the course has begun, we willrefund you as follows:

Cancel after Session 1: 50% refund

Cancel after Session 2: 25% refund


Cancel after Session 3: No refund

If you cancel any time after taking The Final Exam to print your certificate for contacthours: No Refund.

If you cancel anytime but have taken more than the number of exams/quizzes specifiedfor the exam simulator in section 2.3.5 above: Appropriate refund minus the regular priceof the exam simulator.

After you cancel, you will no longer be able to join the online sessions and your access to theLearning Management System for the Training Course, Simulator, Formulas Guide, StudyCoachWorkbooks, and supplemental materials will be revoked.




Published by:

OSP International LLC

8502 E Chapman Ave, Suite 349

USA - Orange CA 92869



OSP International LLC has been reviewed and approved as a provider of project managementtraining by the Project Management Institute (PMI)®. As a PMI Registered Education Provider(R.E.P.), OSP International LLC has agreed to abide by PMI established quality assurancecriteria.

Copyright © 2005 - 2020 OSP International LLC. All rights reserved.

The PM PrepCast, The Agile PrepCast, The PM FlashCards, The PM Exam Simulator, The PMStudyCoach, The PM Podcast, The Project Management Podcast, and The PDU Podcast aretrademarks of OSP International LLC.

PMI, PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP and PMBOK are trademarks of theProject Management Institute, Inc. PMI has not endorsed and did not participate in thedevelopment of this publication. PMI does not sponsor this publication document and makes nowarranty, guarantee or representation, expressed or implied as to the accuracy or content.Reproduction or translation of any part of this work without the permission of the Publisher isagainst the law. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, electronic, manual photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrievalsystem, without prior written permission by the Publisher.